I am experienced in creating and implementing social media and email marketing campaigns of all capacities.

Below are a few of my most recent campaigns.


In November 2020, CMAC kicked off their application process for the 2021 Youth Voices Program.


This 3-week campaign included integrative social media and emailing marketing strategies, targeting local students, schools, and other media programs. The goal was to introduce potential participants to the program, generate interest, and encourage students to apply. There were only 12 positions available.

Results: 43 eligible applications submitted.


In October 2020, CMAC participated in National Media Literacy Week.


This project was an expansion of the first Media Literacy Week CMAC hosted in July 2020 as an effort to take part in the national discussion. This week-long social media campaign centered around original content, including two videos, a live panel discussion, a workshop, and various social media graphics, in conjunction with content provided by the national media literacy organization, National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE).

The goal was to share important information to help our audience become effective, responsible media consumers and creators.

Results: 70 original posts (over 135 individual graphics/videos created.) This was the largest local media literacy campaign and has received national recognition.

Check out the Instagram Story Highlight: #MediaLitWk Part 1 and Part 2.

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In March 2020, CMAC wrapped up the first Youth Voices Program with a free film screening to the public.


This was a month-long social media and email marketing campaign designed to generate excitement around the screening and boost attendance. The theatre space was donated and had a limited capacity of 100 seats.

Results: “Sold out” - All seats were reserved.

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CMAC Community Needs Survey - July 2020

Social media and emailing marketing campaign designed to reach out to existing CMAC members, partners, and the community-at-large for feedback on services. The goal was to receive a minimum of 100 responses. Results: Received 189 responses (107 from current CMAC members.)

Media Literacy Week - July 2020

The first Media Literacy Week social media campaign ran the second week of July 2020 and centered around three original videos created by CMAC staff to promote media literacy education. This campaign utilized real time social media engagement strategies, specifically Instagram Stories to promote each video and connect with the audience. Results: 15 original posts and over 25 unique IG Story engagements.

NTC Cosmic Carnival - September 2019

Every year, New Thought Community Fresno hosts their Cosmic Carnival Fundraiser. This event is their largest fundraising event of the year, bringing in the majority of their yearly funds. This social media campaign began in August 2019 and consisted of promoting the event’s activities, as well as generating interest around items up for auction. The event also hosted local healers and readers who donated their time and services to NTC. Results: Record turn out, all healing sessions booked.


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